• News site looking for topical game designer

    Updated: 2011-02-28 15:28:30
    Originally posted by SavageWolf I don't think it would be possible to create a good game in less than a day... Also, some people may see it …

  • mochi.as3 contains as2 code

    Updated: 2011-02-28 10:37:51
    This is not AS2 code. The Mochi APIs currently load AS2 code from our server, which makes them all incompatible with Air for Android. There is no time…

  • Flash Game resolution ?

    Updated: 2011-02-28 09:55:00
    Yes it's possible but go for a smaller height like maybe the typical 800x600 or 640x480 resolutions? Or if you really need a square I'd go for 500x500…

  • Looking for an artist!

    Updated: 2011-02-27 21:48:43
    Could you send me some samples of your work? Thanks!

  • Money with mochimedia?

    Updated: 2011-02-27 13:00:37
    No problem and welcome to the club ;)

  • Game not showing after Ads?

    Updated: 2011-02-26 22:25:31
    Yes! It does work! Thanks a lot :)

  • Frustating Error

    Updated: 2011-02-26 05:52:03
    Try public function Main():void { if ( stage ) init(); else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); } public function init(e:Eve…

  • You Know Your Game Is Too Long When It Takes 17 Years to Play It…

    Updated: 2011-02-25 22:04:28
    Okay, that’s not exactly the case. Or not even remotely. But I amused myself with the title, and that’s what this blog is all about, really… Cleve, developer of the legendary vaporware RPG Grimoire has apparently finally played through the entire game, start-to-finish, without cheat codes, for the first time in the seventeen years he’s [...]

  • why my game is downgraded?

    Updated: 2011-02-25 10:52:15
    i refreshed it several times, and fiew minutes ago uploaded this 0.8.2 just to try to fix problem I had in first post.. yea.. its all good now :)

  • WordPress 3.1 is out

    Updated: 2011-02-25 01:44:30
    Time to update your WordPress blog! The latest version is out with a few pretty cool features, a lot of [...]

  • New Game Ragdoll Laser Dodge 2

    Updated: 2011-02-25 00:11:48
    Hey guys I just released my newest game Ragdoll Laser Dodge 2 on Newgrounds [Play Ragdoll Laser Dodge 2][1] [1]: http://www.newgrounds.com/…

  • Game Obfuscation/Encryption/Compression (preventhing game theft)

    Updated: 2011-02-24 20:16:44
    Thanks for skepticism, Actually its very not-cool to make MMOG in flash :) but i think its nice game to play will have 24 levels, its a physics …

  • Can we make a 3d Casual game with adobe products?

    Updated: 2011-02-24 16:43:41
    away3d and alternativa are good candidates too.

  • 10 Cross-Browser Compatibility Tools For Designers

    Updated: 2011-02-24 01:26:42
    Whether you are an experienced Web programmer or just starting out, you know that there are many browsers currently in [...]

  • facebook i like button

    Updated: 2011-02-24 01:15:44
    Look at how this uses it, they link to an external website from the like button in the bottom left corner. You could use this

  • Robot-Aliens from Space! Sponsor the game, save lives.

    Updated: 2011-02-24 00:21:10
    Good point ParaLogic, will do that in a second!

  • CreativeJS experiments

    Updated: 2011-02-23 11:28:23
    Seb Lee-Delisle creatively digital About Seb Conferences Games iPhone App Support Training Courses Tutorials Guides Going hifi for CreativeCodingPodcast part 2 CreativeJS experiments My Creative JS and HTML5 training is going great the last session in Brighton worked well , and having reorganised I think I’ve found a good mix of maths and play . I left an hour or two at the end of the course for the attendees to experiment and consolidate the things they’d learned over the two days , and they all built brilliant stuff I was really impressed with their creativity and . resourcefulness Paul King augmented his pre-existing Doom-style ray caster using an easing algorithm to smooth out the camera movement , Rob Hawkes built a lat-long marker on a WebGL rendered Earth , and Carlos Ulloa worked

  • kick-A-mime : Looking for sponsor

    Updated: 2011-02-23 01:05:53
    Do you wonder what happen when you kick a mime? Just try it, here's some screenshots ![alt text][1] ![alt text][2] ![alt text][3] ![a…

  • Will Mochi let me put adds on my game?

    Updated: 2011-02-22 17:51:56
    Message from Mochi: The Mochi Quality Assurance team has reviewed "Fucking Bugs" for paid advertising and found aspects of the game which do …

  • New Platfrom Game

    Updated: 2011-02-22 17:50:02
    I did enjoy the questions. Let the views speak.

  • Flash / PHP Issue

    Updated: 2011-02-22 07:02:27
    Thanks everyone, i got it working.

  • Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival

    Updated: 2011-02-22 01:30:29
    The visual communication for the Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival is really great. Demian Conrad design had a great [...]

  • Know Your Way Around Facebook Privacy

    Updated: 2011-02-21 23:10:48
    Over the past few months, there’s been a lot of buzz about Facebook and the amount of privacy they’re giving us and our profiles. How much of our data do 3rd party developers have access to? What can our friends share about us without us knowing? What information is going to other websites? I’ll answer [...]

  • Galactic Hunter : looking for sponsor

    Updated: 2011-02-21 16:11:50
    here comes galactic hunter, this game really looking for pirmary sponsor, play the game here: http://www.flashgamelicense.com/view_game.php?game_id=16…

  • Menue Americas Needs Flash Devs! (BONUS BEING OFFERED)

    Updated: 2011-02-21 16:06:05
    I would also like to add that we are offering EXTREMELY COMPETITIVE pay AND benefits with these positions. We understand that there is a lot of spam o…

  • Live updates

    Updated: 2011-02-20 20:44:49
    Well, the worst case time should be about 12 hours (as currently configured).

  • SocialCompare: Comparisons in a Snap

    Updated: 2011-02-19 23:21:03
    We’re linving in the information age, but without a personal IBM Watson to help us through life, sometimes it can be hard to keep track of everything. From the specs of the latest smartphones to refrigerators that will work best in your new apartment, there’s info about so many things that it can get overwhelming. Theoretically, more data means [...]

  • In game map tutorial?

    Updated: 2011-02-19 10:49:48
    if you want to move it like that you sould have a variable where you store your location like TRUE_COORD:Number and then add each time TRUE_COORD +=0.…

  • Flash Player 10.2

    Updated: 2011-02-19 03:31:40
    yes i have use the flash player from 1 year and it improve my games performance very well and i am very happy of its action . and it also do work well…

  • Weekly Poll: Is IE9 a Modern Browser?

    Updated: 2011-02-18 05:41:37
    Is IE9 a Modern Browser?online survey Mozilla’s Paul Rouget made a splash on the web this week with the question, “Is IE9 a modern browser?” and a most definitive answer, “NO”. The post makes a great argument as to why IE9 is “more modern, but not really modern.” And of course the post’s accompanying infographic [...]

  • hosting the games on the site?

    Updated: 2011-02-17 18:41:21
    I'm not sure "plz ??????????" is the mark of a gentle man, but… The simple question has a simple answer: the same way you host any other file on yo…

  • Invoice Dude: Free Hosted Invoicing for Your Business

    Updated: 2011-02-16 18:44:57
    As freelancers, many of us need to create invoices on a regular basis. Invoicing is about as fun as doing your taxes, except for one nice exception: invoices are all about you getting paid, not you paying someone else. Still, there should be a way to make invoicing easier and cheaper. It’s never fun to [...]

  • Ronin HTML5 iPhone App + Giveaway [Updated]

    Updated: 2011-02-15 22:00:53
    Killer invoicing app Ronin has released an HTML5-built iPhone app for users to track time on the go and sync with their Ronin account. Because the app is built with HTML5, an Android version will be a relatively simple addition, though with a UI tweaked for the different screen sizes. If you aren’t familiar with [...]

  • Set Up Your Personal Organizer with Springpad

    Updated: 2011-02-15 16:18:01
    Bookmarks and notes have come of age and graduated from your browser to their own place in the cloud. What we should be building is a high-powered internet connected personal database of everything that’s of interest to you and not just text and links. More so, everything should have a custom wrapper of its own, [...]

  • New game : CyberDrone

    Updated: 2011-02-14 08:36:34
    Title screen reminds me of Zeewolf 2 :-)

  • CreativeJS in Brighton, Amsterdam, SxSW Texas and Manchester

    Updated: 2011-02-11 16:28:58
    , , Seb Lee-Delisle creatively digital About Seb Conferences Games iPhone App Support Training Courses Tutorials Guides HTML5 Canvas 3D particles uniform distribution Going hifi for CreativeCodingPodcast part 2 CreativeJS in Brighton , Amsterdam , SxSW Texas and Manchester UPDATE Latest training information here My schedule seems to be filling up over the next few weeks Firstly there’s another Brighton training workshop a full 2 days of creative JavaScript training One space left Shortly after I’m flying out to FITC Amsterdam where I’m giving a 1 day CreativeJS workshop and a presentation about the current state of HTML5 and JS . 75 off an FITC Amsterdam Ticket with code sebleedelisle Then off to my first SxSW where I’m running a 2.5 hour CreativeJS seminar bring your laptops and sign up

  • HTML5 Canvas 3D particles uniform distribution

    Updated: 2011-02-02 16:36:43
    Seb Lee-Delisle creatively digital About Seb Conferences Games iPhone App Support Training Courses Tutorials Guides HTML5 canvas sprite optimisation CreativeJS in Brighton , Amsterdam , SxSW Texas and Manchester HTML5 Canvas 3D particles uniform distribution Yesterday Paul Rouget from Mozilla asked how to uniformly arrange points within a circle There are a few existing algorithms to do this , but I was interested in seeing if I could use simple physics to create a stable system to distribute the particles . evenly In the end I don’t think Paul could use them , although I put him in touch with Mario who came up with slick solutions but I enjoyed the process and found the results very pleasing Click on each thumbnail to see the effects in action . Tip click to make more particles So how did

  • HTML5 canvas sprite optimisation

    Updated: 2011-02-01 14:19:02
    Seb Lee-Delisle creatively digital About Seb Conferences Games iPhone App Support Training Courses Tutorials Guides Introducing The Creative Coding Podcast HTML5 Canvas 3D particles uniform distribution HTML5 canvas sprite optimisation If we’re serious about making HTML games then we need to know the most efficient ways to render multiple sprites . Many are saying that Canvas isn’t fast enough for gaming and we should use DOM objects instead . But before we give up Canvas altogether , let’s see if we can squeeze out just a little more performance A little while ago my podcasting mate Iain Lobb converted his sprite blitting test Bunny Benchmark” to HTML5 canvas and was impressed with the results he got 3000 bunnies rendering quite comfortably on all of his browsers . But I was massively

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